What happens when you are in the middle of winning the game but suddenly your phone freezes? Well, you might think your phone is an error. Yep! It is true. Yet, still, you could repair it. You just need to restart your phone and everything will turn to be normal again. Of course, to restart the phone, you must turn it off first. Then, what to do to turn off iPhone 11 when frozen? You must question it, right? Good for you to read this article because today, we are about to discuss how to turn off iPhone 11 and force restart it here. Anyway, let's check it out for further info in the following explanation below!

Steps to Turn Off iPhone 11 When Frozen or Freeze

You might feel worried when your phone suddenly stops working and freezes. Well, do not be afraid. You may restart it to turn your iPhone back. You do not need to go to the Apple center though. Let you follow these helpful steps below!

  • The first step you must do is pressing and holding the Volume up button for seconds. After that, do the same with the Volume down button, too. These two buttons are located on the side of your iPhone device.

turn off iphone 11 when frozen

  • The next and the last instruction to do is to press and hold the power button until the Apple logo appears to your iPhone screen. For your information, the power button usually is used to make your device sleep but it could shut down your iPhone. Remember to ignore the 'Slide To Power Off' selection.

How to Avoid to Freeze Up

Your device might be frozen too often. This must trouble you because you suddenly cannot use it for some purposes. Then, there are some ways you could at least try to do. what are they? Let's see it below!

  • Updating your iPhone

You do not need to purchase the updated, new iPhone device. Instead, you should update its software. Why won't you make use of your Apple store? Let you update all your applications! Yet, remember to update your device's software first.

iphone 11 update

  • Anti-virus

Let you protect your phone by installing antivirus so that there might not be any virus on your phone. Your antivirus app will detect it and automatically scan your phone!

iphone 11 antivirus

That's all about turn off iPhone 11 when frozen. If you would like to turn off other iPhone devices, you could try those steps because they are suitable for most of the Apple devices.